Cerec Restoration

We are pleased to offer our patient's Cerec Restoration Services - a superior method of creating precisely-designed, color-matched and highly durable ceramic restoration right in our practice. From simple fillings to full crowns to veneers. Cerec delivers the results you need in a single appointment.

After examining the tooth and determining the course of treatment, we will prepare your tooth for restoration, similarly to traditional treatment methods. Your prepared tooth will be coated with a safe, tasteless powder. CEREC then uses a state-of-the-art digital 3D camera to create an optical impression. This digital image replaces the physical impression required in traditional procedures. No more long waits while a tray of impression goop hardens in your mouth.

State-of-the-art CAD software allows us to design every precise detail of your restoration with the accuracy you've come to expect from us. The software allows us to customize the shape of the restoration to exactly fit your specific clinical needs.

While you wait, exact design specifications are sent to our on-site milling machine to create your restoration. About 15 minutes later, your all-ceramic, color-matched restoration is ready I for placement. Your new restoration is then fitted, polished and bonded for permanence. Your tooth is restored back to its natural form, function and beauty.

And you are back to whatever it is you'd rather be doing.